Friday, November 27, 2009

I'm back! .....sort of

So, now that any semblance of a following that I may or may not have had last summer has had time to die off, obviously I've suddenly been struck with a need to get back in the swing of these things lately.

To quickly get it out of the way, my excuses boil down to apparently not being able to turn down work in any form, which quickly turned the Summer of Dan into the Summer of Cranes. Add classes, interning and financial aid/tax troubles come Fall and I was averaging about one day off every two weeks. I'm sure other people have had it worse, but being the mentally weak individual that I am, blogging somehow took a backseat during that time.

That said, I'm now within a month of completing my last semester at Northeastern (pending some key final exams) and I'm anticipating some rare free time coming up while I start the real-world job search. I'm looking forward to being able to catch up on things and I hope to chronicle them here for anyone who might care to check in.

As an aside, can I also say that I love how my last post was one partly devoted to berating a friend on not updating his blog? Class-act.